Creative Human Collective
Really creative humans collaborating with artificial intelligence
Really creative humans collaborating with artificial intelligence.
Established in 2024, the Creative Human Collective (CHC) mission is to champion creativity as our human superpower.
Welcome creative human.
Creative Human Collective is a global community of like-minded creative humans that are interested in the future of creativity, technology and visual arts.
We curate and share with you the most intriguing insight, news, and creative works via our weekly newsletter
We connect leaders in the creative industries with relevant new technology emerging from startups and established companies around the world.
We host events with leading minds to educate, inspire and accelerate innovation at the intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence.
Our regular event programming in London and New York comprise of networking, visual artist showcases, and industry leading panel discussions.
Are you a creative human?
Join the collective to showcase your work
Do you want to be at the forefront of creative and artistic innovation with AI?
Join the waiting list, to become a member
Generally interested? Please subscribe below